Monday, January 1, 2007

Because you're tickling me...

My first post will merely be an explanation of the name here. I have a daughter who is nearly three now. She, as with many almost-three-year-olds, is quite ticklish. When I tickle her, she generally giggles and says "That tickles!" One time, I asked her in response "Why could that be?" You know what she said? She said "Because you're tickling me." I laughed and got her to repeat it for my husband. Ever since, she says it fairly consistently, and it has become a never-ending source of amusement for me to tickle her and get her to say "Because you're tickling me." She also often says "stop tickling me" or "don't tickle me" knowing that I won't stop unless she says "please". She just likes to say stop, even when she doesn't mean it.

There are lovely theological applications to this small story, but I will refrain from making them. Feel free to draw your own conclusions on your own time.